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Hair Transplant

Hair density in men decreases with the effect of hormones in their twenties. Medical treatment is usually not sufficient for hair loss starting from the forehead edges. While hair loss is most common in the temples, some patients also experience opening in the vertex area, which we call the vertex. Hair loss creates a self-confidence problem on men at an early age.

Hair transplant is one of the most frequently applied plastic surgeries by male patients. The patient requesting hair transplantation should definitely be evaluated by a specialist physician. Hair loss type should be evaluated and detailed hair analysis should be done. The most up-to-date method is the FUE technique. Hair follicles taken one by one from the nape area are transplanted to the problematic area.

After the surgery, the patient can go home. The nape area remains closed for 2 days with dressing. Forty-eight hours later, the dressing is opened and the scalp is washed. The crusty appearance of the scalp disappears within a week. The transplanted hair will be shedding within 1 month. Since the roots are permanent, they will grow back permanently in 3 months.

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