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Cheek Aesthetics

Although the cheeks are on the sides of the face, they cover a large area. Having full cheeks can change the expression of the face. The fuller appearance of the cheeks causes a childish appearance, while thin cheeks create a feminine and masculine expression. 

Cheek aesthetics, that is, cheek thinning surgery can be performed under local anesthesia. The fat pads on the cheek are removed with tiny incisions made inside the mouth.

While there is no scar on the face, the mouth heals in about 3-5 days.

The cheeks may be slightly edematous in the first month. After the first month, the groove on the cheeks begins to become evident.

Is cheek aesthetics permanent?

Cheek aesthetics is a permanent procedure. As long as the person pays attention to the weight gain and loss situation, there is no change in the cheeks.

How to fix a droopy cheek?

The drooping cheek appearance can be corrected by bichectomy. The sagging in the cheek area is eliminated and the face is given a V shape.

Who can't have a bichectomy?

Bichectomy; It is not suitable for those who have obesity disease and individuals over the age of 45.

Is bichectomy done twice?

Bichectomy surgery can be repeated when deemed necessary. Bichectomy can be done twice.

How long does a bichectomy take?

Bichectomy can be performed under local anesthesia, general anesthesia or sedation. This process takes an average of 45 minutes.

What should be considered before bichectomy surgery?

It is necessary to take a break from alcohol and cigarette consumption one week before the bichectomy operation. In addition, the use of blood thinners such as aspirin should be discontinued before the operation.

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